Sonntag, 15. August 2010


A few bieberfacts
1- Justin hates when girls kiss him. He finds funny.
2- His favorite bubble gum is strawberry tack.
3- Justin hates if girls grip after him.
4-Justin finds it not at all bad if girls have acne. He says that he is smart enough to know that they go away again.
5-Justins mom was taken as an fan, because she's so small.
6-Justin wouldn't date a girl wich is below 15.
7- Justin once said that he could with a girl that has a Aktzent talk all day: D
8- Justin like it when girls can speak more than one language
9- He likes Dr.Petter Cola best.
10- he likes to shop by Zumbies best.
11- Justin isn't al Morningperson.
12- he likes colgate toothpaste best.
13- Justin does not like perverted fans. They make him afraid: D
14- Justin had an green Ipod nano before he gets his I phone.
15- Justin yelled at his friends earlier in a girl's voice to annoy them. Now he can not do it because he is vocal in the break: D
16- One of his concerts was sold out in 30 secundes.
17- Justin calls her breasts Lady Lumps ..
18- Justin's favorite moment in his life was born when his half-brother and his half-sister
19- Justin is stuck in an elevator for 2 hours. This is one of the reasons why he has now afraid of elevators
20- He found dresses and High Heels cute.
21- Justin loves to read tweets on his twitter page, wich aren't about him.
22- Justin have declared that he reads tweets of his fans.
23- If Justin is bitchy then takes his Mom away from him the leptop
24- Justin's Mom cries sometimes at events or concerts where fans try to attacking Justin: '(
25- If Justin wants something then he uses his dachshund look
26- Justin doesn't like big sunglases at girls. Because he can't see the personality.
27- Justin was once in a game box included when he was younger and no more came out. Now he has claustrophobia
28- Justin loves Panncakes.
29- Justin hates asparagus
30- Justin would rather take a walk or picnic, or just depend on the first date, because there can talk a lot
31- On a date he syringe spaghetti all over his clothes. That was one of the most painful moments in his life
32- On his first date, he was 11/12 and it was snowing
33- Justin hates to be asked about his favorite color in interviews
34- Justin says: If you want my attention, then scream as loud as you can
35- Once Justin has an Teddy bear names Mr. Bear.
36- Justins firts tweet was:"Check out my new single One Time on myspace and spread the word for me"
37- The primary for Justin: to stay on the ground
38- Justin once said: If I have found the right girl then I will overwhelm with love rather than material
39- As Justin had-  his first kiss at a ball, played the song HOW TO SAVE A LIFE by THE FRAY
40- Justin does not like it when fans ask if he marries her .. he will then know not always what to say .. BUT if he marries, he wants to do on Valentine's Day
41- Justin swear that he was once bitten by a butterfly
42- As Justin has flirted with a girl in the Bahamas, the friend of the girl has made final
43- Justin done his hairflip to the right side
44- Because Justin was poor before, now he is very generous
45- When Justin was small he cut his hair at himself because he doesn't trust the barber
46- If his mother does not hear, then Justin is always calling: PATRICIA or SEXY to get their full attention
47- When Justin sees a cute girl in Puplikum his concert, he sings at her sometimes and I watch again and again to her
48- If Justin sees a sweet girl, then he bites his lip
49- When Justin get tired in aircraft, then he lays down on the GROUND
50- Justin does not like photo shoots. He says, are made by me every day as many pictures. And all the laughter hurts my mouth:D
51- Justin had up to three girlfriends to whom he meant it seriously: Emily Russell, Shay Miller and Caitlin Beadles
52- When a photographer once jumped from a bush, came Justin has screamed like a girl and ran away
53- Justin you prefer when a girl looks natural. A bit of make up and make-up is not bad. But you should still see their personalities
54- Justin finds it funny when his fans attacking the haters:D
55- Justin has got an birthmark on his shoulder in desing of an diamond.
56- Justin doesn't like Ugg boots and Clocks
57- When someone calls justin with an unknown number he speak with an brittish accent and an girls voice
58- Justin is really impatiently
59- Justin WOULD date a fan when he is not so: OMG OMG OMG I LOVE YOU OOMG. He finds taht queerish
60- It wasn't Justin who's scream so loudly by his bungeejump, it was his mother:D
61- In an interview, he was once asked in what hair color he is. He glanced over to Scooter, who had previously said that he should say that the hair color does not matter to him and then answered. "I may be more brunette. But I also like blond "<3
62- You regonice that he think you are sweet, if, when you embrace him he wouldn't let you go so fast
63- If Justin likes you, and you got an longer talk with him, at the end he asked you:YOU GOT A NUMBER I CAN REACH YOU?
64- All of justins things are named( laptop,Iphone, his care named Lisa)
65- Justin loves rollercoaster
66- Justin always wanted to do this thing " long stare into the eyes and kiss her tenderly ''<3
67- Justin like it, if the hair of a girl smells good. That means that its clean
68- Sometimes Justin rolls his eyes at histeric fans. He finds something like annoying and like it more if you are rather quiet
69- He doesn't like cats
70- Justin says that his dream girl have to be smaller than himself, so they can snuggle<3
71- Justin like girls, wich attend about theire body and wich respect him
72- Justin like that joke best: "How did Burger King get Dairy Queen pregnant? He forgot to wrap his whopper"
73- If  Justin sees a cute girl he gets shy<3
74- Justin love it to watch at profile photos on twitter, to watch wich girls are hot:D
75- Justin like girls without make up better
76- Justin doens't like it, if fans asked to kiss him. He like embraces better
77- Justin does not like it when girls nibble their nails. It says that they are nervous and have bad habits
78- Justin like girls with an normal body(not to thin)
79- Justin have another privat twitter acount to write to friends
80- Justin love his ex girlfriends really, but it wasn't the bog love. for that he wait
81- Justin found girls with curves sexy
82- Justin will be leaving Def Jam and continue working with Universal Music when he takes up his third album. He will aufnhemen in New York
83- Justin get an song with soulja boy
84- Justin doesn't like it, if girls need to much time to get finish and get to much time in frint of the mirror
85- Justin raisert his head for a friend who had cancer and therefore got a bald head when he was 12 years old, that this friend does not feel so alone.
86- Justin will love a girl wich could be also his best friend<3
87- Justin just kiss with love
88- Its not distressing for justin to look a long time in the eyes of a girl, he love it:D<3
89- Justin would notice a girl wich have fun by his music an enjoy it. ´He wouldn't notice girls with bray to much
90- Justin sings himself into sleep
91- Justin threaten to withhold his people his performance when he first gets nothing from Mc Donalds haha:D
92- Justin is an sensible person wich attendet to somebody<3
93- Justin always chew an mentos or an gum before he goes on street xD
94- Justin has normaly blond hair
95- Justin likes to announce it in advance before going to the toilet. That you can about you, then imagine this: "GUYS .. IM GONNA GO PEE! "Hhahaha
96- Justin is an energy person and very chatty
97- If justin wear a cap his hair will be locked
98- Justin done a gesture with one of his dancers after ervery performance
99- Justin have a few freckles on his nose
100- Justin takes Burt's Bees Chapstick before he go on stage
That are just a few bieberfacts :-))

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